  Gpsphone gameshark

Gpsphone gameshark

Gpsphone gameshark

How to add gpsphone cheats for pokemon?.

First gpsphone cheats video without Cpu =D Here's a step by step: 1st you need gpsphone,ifile,and a game. 2nd open ifile and go into root-mobile-media

Hack Pokemon Emerald on gpSPhone 7.1.3.
Using gameshark on gpSPhone! | iPad,.

gpSPhone 1.8.0 Gameshark & Pro Action.

Return to News "Tweet Hack Pokemon Emerald on gpSPhone 7.1.3 with Cheats by iPollesion » Wed Oct 03 " · "hack-pokemon-emerald-on-gpsphone-7.1.3-with-cheats
What's up guys! Here's a quick tutorial on installing Gameshark or Action Replay codes to your Pokémon game. If you haven't installed gpSPhone, visit my
Hi guys, just in case anyone out there is a little code-happy like me and wanted to figure how to use gameshark codes (and probably codebreak and action
Since I Have Been BETA testing for a while and have bin playing around with the cheat codes, i thought i would share some with you all that I, That1Azn
27.12.2011 · Best Answer: Only certain types of sav. files work. I think it's the 128 k ones or the other one. Try both, I honestly can't rmemeber. But I had the same
[TuT] Use Gameshark Codes on gpSPhone! |.
[TuT] Use Gameshark Codes on gpSPhone! |.

Hack Pokemon Emerald on gpSPhone 7.1.3.
How to add gpsphone cheats for pokemon?.
  • How to add cheats to Gpsphone WITHOUT.
  • Yahoo! Answers - How to transfer .sav.
    14.05.2009 · Best Answer: Ok. Im gonna take you through this step by step. Ensure your iTouch is jailbroken and you have got your GBA Roms installed with GPSPhone. If
    Gpsphone Not Working .
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