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22.10.2012 · Cheap Tracfone Triple Minutes LG LG800G Bundle with 1200 Minutes and One Year of Service! (Tracfone) See Discount Price Tracfone Triple Minutes LG LG800G

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I am new to prepaid phone service, and I signed up with Net10 and got their LG800G When I transferred my number & minutes to the LG800G I could not get the voice
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HSN has the LG800G with 1200min & Triple.
Only triple? They can do better than that. That's gotta be a typo. TMFL?? Interesting.. Sent via Android It's more

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  • Tracfone Triple Minutes LG LG800G Bundle.

  • 5 stars. "TracFone LG 800G Touch Screen Cell Phone" The LG 800G cell phone is the first touch screen offered by TracFone, and in my opinion, the best TracFone yet
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